性别:男 学位:博士 职称:讲师,硕导 系部:工程力学系 邮箱:xuanwang@hfut.edu.cn 主页:/ 方向:拓扑优化与材料设计;结构与多学科优化;复合材料分析与设计 招生:每年招生1-2名硕士研究生,欢迎力学、土木等相关专业的青年才俊加盟课题组。 | |
个人简介主要围绕结构拓扑优化技术、等几何分析等方法开展复合材料与复杂结构数值仿真与多学科优化设计方面理论与应用研究。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项,安徽省自然科学基金项目1项,中国博士后面上基金1项,中央高校科研业务费项目4项。目前在CMAME、IJNME、SMO、《Compos. Struct.》及《力学学报》等本领域国际、国内主流期刊上发表学术论文10余多篇,Google学术引用620余次。合著《连续体结构拓扑优化方法及应用》专著一部,登记软件著作权2项。多次受邀在国内外重要学术会议上做会场报告,担任国际科学组织Vebleo协会会士(Vebleo Fellow),《CMES-Comp. Model. Eng. Sci.》期刊客座编辑,兼任中国力学学会会员、美国《Mathematical Reviews》评论员及10多个国际期刊审稿人。 教育背景2009/09–2013/06,山西大同大学,数学与应用数学,学士 2013/09–2019/03,大连理工大学,计算力学,博士(硕博连读) 2017/01–2018/01,RMIT University(澳大利亚),土木工程,公派联合培养博士 工作经历2019/04–至 今,合肥工业大学,澳门新甫京娱乐娱城平台,讲师,硕导 | |
科研项目[1] 安徽省自然科学基金青年项目,不确定载荷下多相材料应力约束鲁棒性优化设计方法研究,2020/07-2022/06,主持; [2] 合肥工业大学学术新人提升计划A项目,不确定载荷下内嵌组件的连续体结构优化设计方法,2020/04-2021/12,主持; [3] 合肥工业大学博士学位人员专项资助基金:多相材料连续体结构应力约束拓扑优化,2019/05-2021/4,主持; [4] 土木工程结构与材料安徽省重点实验室开放基金:考虑故障-安全的工程结构优化设计研究,2019/06-2021/6,主持。 获得奖励代表成果[1] Wang, X., Long, K., Hoang, V. N., Hu, P. (2018). An explicit optimization model for integrated layout design of planar multi-component systems using moving morphable bars. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 342, 46-70. [2] Wang, X., Liu, H., Kang, Z., Long, K., Meng, Z. (2021). Topology optimization for minimum stress design with embedded movable holes. Computers & Structures, 244, 106455. [3] Wang, X., Hu, P., Kang, Z. (2020). Layout optimization of continuum structures embedded with movable components and holes simultaneously. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 61(2), 555-573. [4] Wang, X., Zhu, X., Hu, P. (2015). Isogeometric finite element method for buckling analysis of generally laminated composite beams with different boundary conditions. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 104, 190-199. [5] Wang, X., Long, K., Meng, Z., Yu, B., Cheng, C. (2020). Explicit multi-material topology optimization embedded with variable-size movable holes using moving morphable bars. Engineering Optimization, 53,1212-1229. [6] Hoang,V.N., Wang, X., Nguyen-Xuan, H. (2021). A three-dimensional multiscale approach to optimal design of porous structures using adaptive geometric components. Composite Structures, 273, 114296. [6] Wang, C., Wang, X., Zhang, X., Hu, P. (2017). Assumed stress quasi-conforming technique for static and free vibration analysis of Reissner-Mindlin plates. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 112(4), 303-337. [7] Long, K., Wang, X., Liu, H. (2019). Stress-constrained topology optimization of continuum structures subjected to harmonic force excitation using sequential quadratic programming. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 59(5), 1747–1759. [8] Long, K., Wang, X., Du, Y. (2019). Robust topology optimization formulation including local failure and load uncertainty using sequential quadratic programming. International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design, 15(2), 317-332. [9] Meng, Z., Pang, Y., Pu, Y., Wang, X.* (2020). New hybrid reliability-based topology optimization method combining fuzzy and probabilistic models for handling epistemic and aleatory uncertainties. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 363, 112886. [10] Meng, Z., Wu, Y., Wang, X.*, Ren, S., Yu, B. (2021). Robust topology optimization methodology for continuum structures under probabilistic and fuzzy uncertainties. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 122(8), 2095-2111. [11] 王选, 胡平, 祝雪峰, 盖赟栋. (2016). 考虑结构自重的基于NURBS插值的3D拓扑描述函数法. 力学学报, 48(6), 1437-1445. [12] 王选, 刘宏亮, 龙凯, 杨迪雄, 胡平. (2018). 基于改进的双向渐进结构优化法的应力约束拓扑优化. 力学学报, 50(2), 385-394. [13] 王选, 胡平, 龙凯. (2019). 考虑嵌入移动孔洞的多相材料布局优化. 力学学报, 51(3), 852-862. [14] 程长征, 卞光耀, 王选*, 龙凯等 (2020). 连续纤维增强复合材料结构基频最大化设计. 力学学报, 52(5),1422-1430. [15] 龙凯, 谷先广, 王选. (2017). 基于多相材料的连续体结构动态轻量化设计方法. 航空学报, 38(10), 129-138. |
联系方式 学院地址:合肥市屯溪路193号 联系电话:0551-62902066 院长信箱:civil@hfut.edu.cn